Talk to yuna


Source: IGG


Yuno has been interested in the occult since a young age.

However, most of her attempts so far failed to produce any results.

Spells had little effect, predictions were hit and miss….

Armed with a new crystal ball and a book about summoning, Yuno decided to double her efforts.

“This time, it will work!”

“I will finally establish a connection with a different dimension.”

After patiently waiting for the planets to align, drawing an elaborate magic circle and chanting the right incantation…

She finally managed to summon…… YOU!!

~New Features~

In addition to the usual keyword and greeting systems found in the

Talk to…





might show some interest in the supernatural.

~Play a little bit every day~



Yuna the Yandere 

(looks like a yandere dunno if she is or not)


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